Simplify & speed up portfolio reporting.
Get a holistic view of everything going on in your portfolio so that you can maximize ROI by saving time and reducing friction.
Gain portfolio insights without digging through Excel models.
With a cloud-based system for managing all relevant deal information, users can clearly and easily highlight concentrated risks and decrease charge-off and provision allowance, in addition to decreasing the internal burden of regulatory compliance.
Aggregate asset level data to gain a holistic picture of your portfolio.
Plug into your existing asset and portfolio models with a streamlined integration.
Expose risk faster and more accurately across the portfolio with automated reporting.
Reduce time spent on Investment Committee and QASR Reports.
Pull portfolio & asset level reports in seconds.
Generate customizable earnings and investment committee reports directly in your existing Excel or Word documents in a few clicks.
Leverage customized templates for specific reports, including: Quarterly Asset Summary Reports, Investment Committee Memos, Regulatory Reports, and more.